Monday, May 9, 2011



Keep on, moving never took so long
These legs are bricks and rip through sheets
Steaming underneath the clothes we wore
Now on the floor, it's true

Bring back wickedness
Bring back temperaments
Bring back the wind that blew the fire into
The woods where I wait for you

The nights are bare, we kiss like thieves
The air is sharp in evergreens
I stretch like waters bring this ship to harbour
We'll brave this storm and come out new

Bring back wickedness
Bring back temperaments
Bring back the wind that blew the fire into
The woods where I wait for you

We'll blow this smoke and make it gold
We'll blow this smoke and make it gold
These songs get old, these songs get old
We'll blow this smoke and make it gold

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Allah Maha Mengetahui

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. ALLAH SWT mengetahui
sedangkan kamu tidak.” (al-Baqarah:216)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

~LookiNg Down the Street~

Aku bagai laut tak bertepi dan tak berkarang
Aku bagai bintang yang tak ditemani malam
Melihat dirimu ada senyum canda dan tawa
Yang membuat aku tak ingin pergi darimu

Teringat janji lamamu kepadaku
Teringat aku teringat
Teringat saat kau masih ada di sini
Temaniku sepanjang hari

Bila kau pergi jauh ingatlah aku
Bila ku di sampingmu peluk tubuhku
Bila kau rindu aku panggil namaku
Ku datang menemuimu

Peluk erat jasadku jangan lepaskan
Tetaplah kau di sini arungi malam
Karena hanya dirimu belahan jiwa
Pelengkapku di dunia

Saturday, February 5, 2011

~liFe is gOOd~


Setiap manusia yang hidup di dunia ini mempunyai masalah mererka sendiri. Tidak dapat dinafikan lagi jika ada yang mengambil jalan mudah untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah dalam hidup seseorang. Namun, tahukah kita bagaimanakah masalah itu hadir dalam hidup setiap manusia yang bernafas di dunia ini? Tahukah kita mengapakah ianya terjadi dalam hidup kita?

Anggaplah setiap masalah yang hadir adalah suatu cabaran kita dalam menempuh hidup yang penuh teka teki ini. Anggap kita dalam suatu permainan yang penuh dengan klu yang sangat kabur. Dalam menyelesasikan persoalan2 dan klu2 yang diberi, kita perlu berfikiran kreatif. Ibarat 'try and error'!

Saya tertarik dengan satu laman web yang saya layari. saya sangat tertarik dengan kata2 nya yang sangat menyentuh jiwa. Itulah sebab mengapa Allah turunkan masalah kepada semua manusia di dunia.

"..masalah wujud untuk membuat anda berubah..."
"..masalah diturinkan sebagai balasan atas dosa2 anda..."
"...pandanglah masalah sebagai amaran daripada Allah atas perbuatan anda..."

So? bagaimana dengan hubungan kita dengan pencipta kita? Betapa Allah itu sangat cemburu dengan kita dan sangat sayang akan kita. Apa tidaknya, masalah itu datang sebagai amaran yang kita sudah mula menjauhi daripada Allah dan mendekati akan laranganNYA. Betapa Allah sangat sayang akan kita, Dia turunkan masalah kepada kita agar kita beristigfar dan kembali kepadaNYA. Alhamdulillah...Allah sentiasa sayang akan kita semua lagi...

Nikmatilah hidup ini sebagai satu platform kita sebelum melangkah ke destinasi kita yang sebenarnya. Ingatlah...kita adalah pelakon di atas pentas duniawi.

Friday, December 3, 2010

~I GO~

~I GO~

So long, fare thee well
The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong

The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life you're my sweetest nightingale
But I can't hear it here no more
And I go
I go

Hush now, don't shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face

Read more:

~0216 am(4 dis 10)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love and Time

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness,Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you." Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going.

When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."


Thursday, October 28, 2010

~MODeeeennNkan pEmikiRAN~

~MODeeeennNkan pEmikiRAN~

pergh!selesai gak untuk exam aku pada minggu ini yang macam apetah! dasyat giler tanpa GAP! dan berakhirnya fizik moden yang sangat3x beshhhh! banyak teori aku keluarkan dalam paper td..bercampur aduk macam buat roti! 1 sudu besar teori einstein + 1 camca teori aristotle + 100g teori de Broglie = MOOOOODDDDEEENnnnn! lalalalalalalala......

so tadi, aku bersama-sama atiq dan kak zul keluar ke kajang je...lepas sekejap tekanan! hehehehe....thanks korunk! ^_^ sempat jugakla aku bergambar seketika..check it out
**credit to atiq sebab snap pic ni ^_^**

besar giler teddy ni **RM78**

p/s : aku tak beli pon, snap je! thanks tokey kedai kitaowg amek pic! tunggu kumpul duit baru le beli! hahahaha

pic atiq bersama teddy **RM78**

walaupun ke kajang sahaja, tapi terasa best! fun seketika...esok back to normal! study la..isnin got 1 fizik bahan punyer paper and then last paper 5 nov, mechanic classic then balik rumah!!!yeah~ to atiq n kak zul, thanks so much! love u alls~muaah!~

~pergi : 2pm
~balik : 6pm
~update blog : 6.38 pm ( 28 okt 2010)